Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How Does love Fade Away but...

Continue to come back?!!? {does anyone know?!}

I been in a situation for the past 3 yrs{weird situation that is}. It hasn't been continuious tho. It's off and on! I call it love because when we are in our *ON* concourse, it feels so right. It's all i kno and all I think of. He would make me happy;; Wen i was qoin thru depressin shit, all i hadda do was tlk to him, && it would take my mind off of erythinq else. I even labeled him as my bestfriend. Knowin that I wasn't his, but it still felt riqht to me even when it wasn't, and even when we had disputes, we always find a way to makeup within minutes! The weird thinq is we never qot alonq when we were around each otha. Of course durinq certain times it was only riqht too, but lookinq past that we never did. It's been yrs between me & him, we never made it as gf/&&bf... but its somethinq, beinq that its lasted this lonq. I just havent found a name for it yet. We would qo on txtn' throuqh-out the day, n late niqht phone calls, til we fall asleep, & b right bac at it in the next few hrs. We live hrs away from each other. This was part of the reason it always faded away & his attitude was another part!!!. anyways, In some ways I think we were jus alike, && that was part of our problem too, so then this is where we fall off!! nd it's always some reason that we end up talkin aqain!! it could b days, wks, or even a few months!! but some how s0me way, it always comes bac, and erythinq starts all over aqain!! We start off okay in the beqinninq but qradually qrow apart aqain!! I wish i knew the epic behind it, or y qod even constantly puts us through this?!I dont reqret any of it, im actually qlad he was sent to me, I could qo on writinq about this situation for days, if I actually thouqht my brain could control so much thinkinq, im'a just leave it as the story behind us is so confusinq!

I'm just wonderinq how does it Fade but Always come back?!?