Tuesday, January 27, 2009


On sunday,

it was soo weird, I went into church w/ my mom, god-sis, & my nephew... Well we usually always arrive while they're sinqinq. Okay, this sunday they were sinqinq, but in front of a set-up staqe. As church went on, I started to wonder is this sunday different, or is this how church is qonna b set up now, beinq that a lot is chanqinq w/ the appearance. Well, it turns out that my pastor was doinq a litl play thangy this sunday. It was awesome, i've never seen anythinq like it. {u'll understand y ina sec} but, it was so different, and it didn't feel lik church. It all-tied in well n the end tho. okay the theme was *COMPUTER LOVE*, umm humm, wow!! my pastors on top of it!!


the service went on and he beqan talkinq about fiqhtinq within yur relationship. {ery1 has these moments, riqht?!} it's life. Well then, he qot to the part where yu jus walk away from your significant other. Soo the stage was set-up lik a office {w/ a desk, computer, shelves, couch & a chair}, and he pretend he was walkinq away from a altercation he had w/ his qirl, to qo take a break and listen to music on his cp, well in that tym, he loqqed into yahoo IM;; nd who's on but his ex. Nd it only feels riqht to tlk to her, becuz yu n yur significant other just had a big fiqht. So he chatted with her, and beinq the type of women she was, she tried to qet deep into his head, she was beinq flirty & tlkn soo encouraqin, actinq as if she was there for him && really wanted him bac!! {this is only the devil} nd to most ppl it works, then this is the point that yu hurt yur current relationship becuz yu fall for the non-sense, && dont think first. This is tru right?

He went on talkinq about how yu meet ppl online, and beqin tlkin to them, thinkinq yur qettin' to kno them, then the next thinq yu kno, yu think yu kno them enouqh to call them yur otherhalf. He talk'd about how the vitural world has influenced this behavior. How erythinq is so realistic,it just feels riqht, when it's truely not. When lookinq into reailty, yu kno nothinq about this person.

He said, god said no1 should b alone, and these behavior take part in the ones who feel alone, or feel lik they have no1. {mayb a sign of lettinq the devil take control, and not havinq faith in qod}

So my pastor's word, was to show that yu need to put yur faults in qods hands. of course him havinq all the knowledge he has, && beinq true to qod, he didn't fall for the ex, he cut the conversation, becuz he knew it was wronq, and he had faith in qod. {If only ALL boys would do just that.} yu hadda b there, to really qet the whole feel of the msg, but it was a lesson learned, and very inspirational, & a qreat quidence, too young teens and older adults.

I just thouqht i'd shared this, since it was somethinq new to me! nd never experinced nethinq lik this in church.