Monday, January 26, 2009

Happiness is POW3R


its been a lonqq tym, since i was last here i was qettin rdy for the next day to watch the INAUGURATION... well i did just that. It was so great!!! I'm kinda qlad i didn't qo, I lik'd havin front row seats, in my room && my moms room. It was soo unreal. The whole day as I watched, I smiled, had tears of joy, && stayed qlued to the tv. I've never paid attention to anything lik this. The words were powerful, && every litl action that was made brought joy to my heart. I'm so qlad everythinq went well. One of my favorite parts, were wen BARACK && MiCHELLE stepped out of the car at the parade. No1 knew exactly wat was qonna happen, but it ended in peace and happiness!! I love our president && vice president, they're wonderful carinq ppl, they have such qreat connection w/ the american ppl. I'm lookinq foward to these next 4yrs!!

ohh yahhh, well at this moment... i'm holdinq on to my happiness! I have such weird feelinqs these days, but I have faith, & keepinq my trust in qod..that erythinq is qonna work out as planned. {btw- this gives me a qreat idea for tomoros bloq}
anywho- i'm hopeful that this feelinq will last, and chanqe lyf for the better, I kno it's in us, so i'm believeinq!!!
welp im outtie for toniqht!